Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sit Less, Kids and Teens Advised

Summary of Article:

Canadian children and teens should spend no more than two hours a day sitting and watching TV or playing video games, new guidelines say.  The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology followed up on January's physical activity guidelines saying that mounting evidence supports the need to limit sedentary behaviour as a health issue distinct from moving around more.  Studies from this group show that children and youth spend an average of 8.6 hours per day, or 62% of their walking hours being sedentary.  In an ideal day, the majority of time would be spent engaging in light intensity activity such as cooking, about 25% of the day sitting, and the rest of the day spent doing moderate-intensity activities like cycling and vigorous-intensity activities like playing hockey.  The new sedentary guidelines apply to school children who are between the ages 5-11 and youth ages between 12-17.  These guidelines suggest that you limit recreational screen time to no more than two hours per day and lower levels of sedentary time carry more health benefits, and limit motorized transport such as traveling by car or bus, extended sitting and time spent indoors throughout the day.  Following these guidelines can help children and teens maintain a healthy body weight, improve cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal fitness, academic achievement, self-esteem, and social behaviours.

My Opinion of Article:

These guidelines are a good way for parents to influence kids into a more active lifestyle but I believe it will not stop children and youth  from doing this.  As days go by, technology is getting better and more advanced.  Unfortunately, this has caused society to get lazier because machines do stuff for us.  I also find it shocking how children and youth spend an average of 8.6 hours of day sitting and not moving.  This is a very high number and it makes you realize how much time of each day is wasted.  In order for these guidelines to have an effect on children and youth, parents are going to have to strictly moderate children's and youth's time indoors.  It is their job to make sure we have equal amount of time indoors and outdoors.  They need to show their children or youth how much you can do outside and take advantage of what nature has to offer.  I feel if parents can achieve this, children and youth lifestyle will change for the better and can do this through these guidelines.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that kids need to live a more active lifestyle. I believe that if kids were to go outside more and be more active, that they will live a longer life. It is up to the parents to make sure that the kids have an equal amount of time outside and inside. If kids are more active when they are young, they can live a healthier life when they become older.
