Monday, May 16, 2011

Allergy season 'one of worst'

Summary of Aritcle:

There may be a dusting of truth to allergy sufferers' complaints that this season will be a bigger 'headache' than the past years.  Heave snow and rain in some parts of the country have nourished a profusin of tree pollen, while a sudden shift to warm, sunny weather has make it realease more robust.  This is in addition to the wind, and the suffering skyrockets.  Warnings for a difficult season have come from allergy specialists from New York to Atlanta, and Chicago to California.  "This past week has been one of the worst ever," rasped Lynne Ritchie, 70, as she bought allergy medicine his week at a Manhattan drugstore.  Dr. Stanley Schwartz hears that from patients all the time -- every year , in fact, he noted with a wry smile.  "Literally, every year is hte worst year," said Schwartz. April was a historic month for weather, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and West Virginia all set records for the wettest April since 1895.  Pollen counts and allergy attacks vary widely from region to region, locality to locality and day to day.  However, this year, signs really do point to a particularly 'prickly' season.  Dr. Joseph Leija, the allergist who performs the Gottlieb Allergy count for the Midwest, said last month that tree pollen was unseasonably high in Chicago and predicted "one of the wost allergy seasons ever.

My Opinion of Article:

I know tons of people who have allergies, some very serious.  I do believe they need to look out for the weather, as it seems to be getting worse every year.  If pollen counts are getting gradually greater every year, people to ensure that they have the proper medication and are prepared incase it gets really bad.  I am not really surprised by the years getting worse and worse as the weather is becoming more unpredictable and unusual as years go by.  These doctor's facts do not suprise me.  While I do believe it is important to have medication, it is not a huge deal and people shouldn't be too concered about it.  However, I am glad that there is awareness with regards to allergies and it should be a problem shown to people with allergies.

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