Hormones such as hCG can be injected as part of a weight-loss plan. This is a diet fad from the 1970s that claims to help people lose about half a kilogram a day. This is again attracting a lot of attention and followers, despite the concerns of some doctors. This diet involves either injecting or ingesting the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotroping, or hCG, in combination with an ultra low
-calorie diet. Proponents say the hormone suppresses the appetite by tricking the body into thinking it is pregnant. This prompts the body to burn stored fat in places where dieters least want it, such as the upper arms, belly, and thighs. Dianne Gariepy of Edmonton, has taken hCG drops on and off since October. She recommends it to anyone who wants to shed unwanted pounds without feeling hungry. Gariepy currently has diabetes and credits the hormone with helping her to lose weight. She now only has take a third as much insulin as she used to need. This regimen combines hCG with a 500-calorie a day diet. This is the equivalent of two slices of lean turkey on whole wheat bread, one slice of cheese, some lettuce, a little mustard, an apple, and one cup of skim milk. Gariepy started selling hCG drops on the Internet but was shutdown quickly. Health Canada shut this down because hCG is suppose to be only available by prescription for use in fertility treatments. There are said to be risks of using hCG and Dr. Tom Ransom even warns that hCG has no benefit and carries risk. These risks include headaches, depression, acne, hair loss, breast tenderness, and in rare cases, blood clots that can be fatal if they travel to the lungs. "Any doctor who prescribes it for weight loss is either ignorant of weight loss and what hCG does or they're really slimy charlatans who are taking advantage of people's desperateness to lose weight", Ransom said.

My Opinion of Article:
I totally think Gariepy's idea is crazy and is abusing the treatment that we have. Yes, it does help you lose weight, but at what cost?! It is definately not worth losing your life for. I also strongly agree with Dr. Tom Ransom's point of view. He is 100 percent correct and it is true, people who sell this or promote it are "taking advantage of people's desperateness to lose weight". If you really want to lose weight, exercise, eat healthy and work for it. It takes more time, but its a much bigger accomplishment than injecting drugs into you. It is like using steroids. If you really want to get strong, go to the gym everyday. Doctors like Dr. Tom Ransom need to point out to people promoting hCG that this is not the right way to lose weight. The true way of losing weight is a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise. Taking the time to exercise is well worth it over losing your life or getting ill.
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